Wednesday, July 16, 2008

158: On quitting

No, I haven't given up already. I finished my second book a few days ago, but just didn't get around to writing the review for it.

My second book is from 158, Applied Psychology. The Dip: A Little Book That Teaches You When To Quit (And When to Stick) by Seth Godin, is all about quitting at the right time. It's a quick read, but an interesting one. Godin's books tend to be short and focused on a single topic, and this one is no exception, weighing in at a mighty 80 pages.

Most new ventures, from businesses to mastering a skill, start out fun and exciting, but that doesn't last. You inevitably hit a decline. The business expands, and suddenly you're dealing with lots of hassles and less of the fun stuff. You reach a point where you're not progressing any more. What then?

The conventional wisdom is to never quit. "Winners never quit and quitters never win," as the quote from Vince Lombardi goes. Godin skewers this cliche, and amply demonstrates that there are times where it does make sense to quit, and to quit early.

It's a fun read, and recommended.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad you liked my suggestion :-)
But now I think you are ahead of me with *two* books read. Time for me to get reading - I can't let you finish first ;-)